Frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

The answers to the following questions are based on my experience and training. We have so much to gain and learn when working with the spirit world that our experiences are continuously creating new awareness that might adjust or bring new insight to a particular current understanding. It really is about where we are in our development or unfolding of our abilities which equals our understanding and experience. We can’t know it all. And we never will until we return to the spirit world ourselves. I embrace the learning journey, allow for flexibility, and know there’s so much more that I don’t know. 

Who can be a medium?

All of us have mediumistic abilities. Mediumistic abilities include the skill to feel, sense, know, or see the spirit world. This can happen in the form of a dream, a smell, a symbol, or perhaps a sign such as a favorite song coming on the radio as you’re thinking about someone. But many of us ignore these experiences as our imagination. 

Having mediumistic abilities and being a medium can be two separate things. Being able to feel, hear, sense, and know our loved ones in spirit is our normal mediumistic sensitivities. But being a medium for friends, family, or the general public takes dedication, training, passion, and discipline. A medium connects with the spirit world and communicates with the discarnate and translates that experience into words or descriptions for the recipient. 

What is mediumship & evidence-based mediumship?

I learned evidence-based mediumship, meaning the medium has to come up with something more substantial than saying, “I have your grandmother here and she says she loves you and wants you to succeed.” That’s vague and doesn’t validate that it’s really your grandmother. A trained evidential medium might say, “I have a lady here who had an infectious laugh. She never had any children of her own. She was a self-starter and ran a business. She loved being everyone's favorite aunt.” And by the end of the communication, the recipient might even feel their relative there as well.

What’s the difference between a psychic and a medium?

Others believe that all mediums are psychic, and not all psychics are mediums. I think it’s not so cut and dry — I have a broader view. Since all of us are psychic or intuitive, it’s a small leap to mediumistic abilities since it’s all about a soul-to-soul connection. The difference would be between communicating with an incarnate versus a discarnate soul. So as I do a psychic reading, I’m working with an incarnate soul and when I am doing a mediumship reading, I’m working with a discarnate soul.

Why do I call a psychic reading an intuitive guidance reading?

I call it an intuitive guidance reading for a couple of reasons. First, psychic (which really means of the soul) has gotten a bad rap in many cases and is seen like fortune telling with a crystal ball. People often want to know if the guy they found on a dating app is their soulmate.

My intent is to go deeper with my clients and find their values. What are their limiting beliefs?  What makes them tick? How do they find meaning? What fills their soul? By diving deep, they gain the tools and knowledge to make informative decisions and bring their visions to fruition.

Do you need protection from evil spirits as a medium?

Based on my experience with the spirit world, my answer is, not that I’m aware of. 

Unfortunately, Hollywood, urban legends, and religions do a great job at scaring us into believing that the spirit world is full of evil beings that can cause harm. I look at it differently. When we experience something like the blue lady walking across the balcony, it’s more of a memory or imprint of energy due to the traumatic or dramatic time in someone's life. So when our sensitivities are ignited, we might see an apparition or feel something unexplainable. My experience is that it’s not an intelligence from the spirit world who we as mediums could communicate with. These are definitely real incidents for people, but our fear of the unknown feeds into the experience so that it only feels scary.

I choose to work from a place of fearlessness. If I feared the spirit world and was afraid every time I worked with them, I don’t think I could be a medium. 

When we cross over to the spirit world, we’re all welcomed home. No one is in purgatory and no one is in a burning place. 

How do you know that my loved one is safe? Are they okay?

Very simply, yes! They’re all okay when they transcend to the spirit world. No one is stuck here on earth. All pain, discomfort, and illness evaporate. And when they pass, they’re reunited with loved ones.

Do spirits bother you in the middle of the night?

Sometimes! When we’re just discovering or attuning to our abilities, our excitement or eagerness to experience the other world might make us feel spirit in the middle of the night waking us up or when you’re just sitting in a restaurant and you feel, “Oh, there’s someone here.” This used to happen to me when my skills started to awaken and when I first acknowledged my abilities. With training, I now have the ability to turn it on or off — and I usually turn it off when I want to sleep.