A Growing Curiosity

I gazed in awe at the Masonic Temple in Fort Collins, Colorado. It was filled with history and felt a bit eerie, yet an enchanting building from the 1920s. Filled with anticipation, I walked up the grand, stone steps.

My enthusiasm grew as I entered the temple. For the first time in my life, I was about to experience a demonstration of mediumship by professional mediums. I was so curious about communicating with the spirit world that I was almost more excited to see the mediums’ awe-inspiring abilities than to hear from my own loved ones.

During that first experience, I remember witnessing people’s grief lighten a bit. Almost as though the spiritual reunion created by the medium left their hearts a little richer and a little fuller.

Little did I know that a brief three years later, my journey as a medium would begin to emerge. In fact, I attended my first mediumship development workshop with one of the mediums I saw on that stage. The world works in mysterious ways. Or does it?

Because of my amateur fascination with all things metaphysical, I was a voracious reader on a multitude of topics and never missed the television shows that featured something psychic. But I feared and shied away from scary topics such as hauntings and possessions. I didn’t understand my fear at the time. I just knew it frightened me. And Hollywood had a way of intensifying that fear tenfold.

Trying to engage my curiosity for the unknown, I'd occasionally visit psychics and mediums. Some were amazing, some mediocre, and some just plain awful.

They mentioned a few times that I had psychic or intuitive abilities. I honestly didn’t know what to do with that information since I only knew some things about some people and some situations some of the time. I thought it was weird how I would just “know” certain things. I thought psychics should know everything about everyone all the time. At least that’s what I saw in the movies and on TV. 

Many working mediums come into this work because of their experiences with the spirit world as children or a traumatic experience that awakens their sensitivity. Then there are some like myself that kind of meandered through life knowing they were different and couldn’t quite put their finger on how or why they were different until an opportunity or awakening occurs. 

I know I had experiences with the spirit world as a child, but I don’t remember them. Unfortunately, I didn’t have parents that could understand a child’s sensitivity, therefore, my experiences were brushed off as typical childlike stuff, such as having an imaginary friend or a bad dream. But I do know that when I saw, as an adult, the movie The Sixth Sense, I knew I was just like that little boy who had to cover his eyes at night, run down the hall, and only open them when the light turned on. That sense followed me until I understood the spirit world. 

It’s easier to look back on your life and contemplate where it took its twists and turns. As I ponder about when my sensitivities began to stir, it’s when I met my husband. The journey still took many years until I realized the path my soul was trying to show me. And it still takes some convincing at times.

I decided to train… 

Mediumship training is a key factor in our journey as mediums or psychics and I don’t believe we ever stop learning. Can you imagine for a moment your favorite sport? Mine, for example, is horseback riding. Then imagine that you wanted to perform in that sport professionally. Could you take a weekend course and be ready for the big leagues? Even with natural talent? Rather, it might take time to learn the basics, lay a good foundation, and then build upon it. You start with smaller venues to play your sport and eventually graduate to more advanced ways of honing your talents and abilities as you find your niche. 

I see my mediumship training much like training for any sport, musicality or any type of craft. For instance, I’ve ridden horses for 30+ years and I still enjoy taking lessons and having my horse trained by professionals. It’s an intricate dance of communication between a horse and rider where the two parties have different ways of communicating. And that communication in many ways varies from horse to horse and rider to rider. 

Same thing in mediumship. Each medium has their own way of communicating with the spirit world and souls in the spirit world communicate with us in a way for us humans to understand. So it’s a dance of learning how we work in our mediumship and how to work with many different personalities in the spirit world. It’s almost like every time I go riding, a new horse is in the stall that I have to learn to communicate with. 

Although mediumship, talking to the so-called dead, seems like the ultimate point of a medium — it’s so much more. Our mediumship is merely one path to our connection with souls whether it’s an incarnate or a discarnate soul. 

I used to think that mediumship and psychic abilities were very different skills. But in my own training and then learning to teach others, I’m more prone to understand that it’s all a soul-to-soul connection whether I’m communicating with a loved one, spirit guide, or person in the room. It’s always a work in progress as we have new experiences and discover new ways of working with the spirit world as we grow and mature into our abilities. 

Intuitive Medium
Intuitive Medium

Quietly Growing as a Medium

I jumped in feet first finding every way to hone my skills with my intuition and mediumship. Having the opportunity to frequently visit London for work, I quietly enrolled in classes at the College of Psychic Studies and also found myself registering for week-long courses at the Arthur Findlay College in the UK. I also found a beautiful spiritualist church in New Jersey, The Journey Within, where I found a home to hone my skills as well as find many people to call friends in the spiritual circle. Finding your tribe is important as you grow.

Training was a rollercoaster of ups and downs, feeling not good enough, wanting to quit and then realizing I was serving the spirit world with reverence and grace. The best part is that I learned that there’s nothing to fear from my connection to the spirit world. And once I discovered that piece, my fear almost instantly evaporated. The beautiful part is that it’s completely normal to have a journey of twists and turns and ups and downs while you develop your abilities and admiration for all things of the spirit world.

Intuitive soul coach

I’ve done this work undercover in a sense for years. I’ve shared it with a few friends and family but because of the stigma attached, I’ve kept it mainly to myself. I’ve even hesitated to call myself a medium because of the judgment I’ve seen in some circles. But the choice in my heart ultimately comes to asking myself this question: Do I stay hidden or do I open myself up to the possible judgment so that I can serve the spirit world and people who need help? It was a constant and formidable struggle within myself for years. And still rears its ugly head on occasion.

Staying hidden: I can’t be seen as weird

Being a medium and DOING the work as a medium with others are two different things. It’s usually a more relaxed environment to sit in a workshop and bring through others' loved ones or read their inner struggles. You’re with your peers and supported by others as all of you pull teeth for some readings or are spot on with others. We all get it really right and we all get it really wrong sometimes. It’s a period of growth and development. 

Discovering how I can serve in an even more powerful way…

Hiding in the mediumship closet, I searched for a way that I could share my intuition with others yet help them dig into their own inner wisdom to find the answers on their life path. Through researching various modalities, I found coaching. It seemed to fit the criteria of staying safe from the criticism and judgment of others yet still help people find their best and true selves. 

I found a 9 month certification program for life coaching. Interestingly, the program encouraged coaches to use and trust their intuition to follow their client through their conversations and actively listen between the words to allow for more insight and understanding for the client. I was amazed at how many similarities there were between intuitive or mediumship readings and coaching. 

My other insight was that many times when clients experience readings, they need to process that information which in traditional intuitive or mediumship readings it's a one and done situation. By adding coaching modalities to my repertoire, I’m able to give insight through a reading but also continue to support the processing or longer term vision. I’m there to support my clients so that they can do their own work by diving deep into their soul’s knowing to discover their unique path and journey. 

Intuitive healing coach

Finding My Soul’s Path.

It’s time to be who I’m meant to be and allow my soul to express itself as it is. I’m not an oracle or a guru. I’m just a normal person who has tuned into their natural abilities, trained passionately, and who uses those developed skills to serve others and be a conduit in my client’s healing and life’s journey. 

You have intuition too. 

All of us are born with intuition — these are our psychic faculties. We also have the ability to sense the spirit world, although it may be extremely subtle or may come in the form of dreams, signs, and symbols. There’s a difference between our intuition and mediumistic abilities but it’s like tuning the radio to different channels. We can increase our sensitivities with insight, development, and a desire to do so.  

Whether you want to hone your intuition, start listening to your soul, connect with someone on the other side, or need support realizing your big dreams, I’d love to talk with you.